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Postcard Project Update - Thursday, April 08, 2004

Got an email from Mom's husband, Jim today. Check this out...

She finally got one pertaining to LyLa's hidden picture. Now she's convinced that it is Rene, no wait its Will and Rene, no its Kevin and Rene, no get the idea. She has even given me the "LOOK", She's just not sure who it is but that it's a member of the family. She got one from Martha Stewart about decorating tree stumps, which Led her to Kevin.

If you really want to blow her mind send one about her buying baby cloths for my niece, Nicki's, best friend named Beth who is pregnant. This would throw her off her own family for a while. Oh well, just a thought.

Be careful, though, folks. Please make the references to things we discuss here somewhat obscure, so it's not so obvious. Kev was there last week, and he was the only one that knew about the red tree stumps - which was good for me, I claimed not to know about them. But someone sent a card referencing it and it was way too obvious considering he was the only one that knew...

I'll try to post the newsletter today, heck I'm only 8 days behind...

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